It doesn’t take much to make me happy.
Tonight I’m looking forward to one (maybe two?) of my kids being home, perhaps ordering in dinner and watching the Leaf game on TV.
The Leafs are engaged in their annual drive-the-fans crazy routine as they struggle for the last play-off spot. Hope springs eternal.
Perhaps this is a good omen? I saw Darcy Tucker (#16) yesterday. (Be still my beating/aging heart.) He’s a heart and soul kind of player and not too shabby to look at either.
Darcy (no, we’re not really on a first name basis) frequents the same hair salon I do. This has always been a bit of a surprise to me. I thought all the local hockey heroes/gods would get their locks trimmed at one of those trendy über-expensive salons — which is not the kind of place frequented by the likes of me.
Alas, no hair stylin’ for Darcy yesterday. He was just nipping into the cleaners next door. A few of us stuck our heads out the hair salon door to wave and shout hello. (I suspect my kids would be mortified at my behaviour. Or not. They must be used to their hockey fanatic mother by now.)
Darcy’s a friendly guy. A big smile and a wave back to all.
Okay, buddy. Strut your stuff tonight. We’re getting down to the wire here. Score some goals. Kick some a**. (I’m speaking/writing figuratively here. I don’t like hockey fights.)
So while the rest of you may be hitting the hot spots on a Friday night — wining, dining, dancing, the theatre, whatever — I’m content to sit at home and watch my guys play.
I've got to be the cheapest date imaginable.
Further (late) entries to the Six-Word Memoir Exercise
DJ Cayenne:
Eschewed work places requiring ties.
Dorky Dad:
Eat Doritos
Drink Coke
Get Fat
Dorky Dad’s Wife:
Many sneezes
Many tissues
Now bankrupt
Drat! I missed the damned game!
lonely, sad.
husband, happy,
kids, dogs
Manic Mom
Got married, had kids, die happy.
Tonight I’m looking forward to one (maybe two?) of my kids being home, perhaps ordering in dinner and watching the Leaf game on TV.
The Leafs are engaged in their annual drive-the-fans crazy routine as they struggle for the last play-off spot. Hope springs eternal.
Perhaps this is a good omen? I saw Darcy Tucker (#16) yesterday. (Be still my beating/aging heart.) He’s a heart and soul kind of player and not too shabby to look at either.
Darcy (no, we’re not really on a first name basis) frequents the same hair salon I do. This has always been a bit of a surprise to me. I thought all the local hockey heroes/gods would get their locks trimmed at one of those trendy über-expensive salons — which is not the kind of place frequented by the likes of me.
Alas, no hair stylin’ for Darcy yesterday. He was just nipping into the cleaners next door. A few of us stuck our heads out the hair salon door to wave and shout hello. (I suspect my kids would be mortified at my behaviour. Or not. They must be used to their hockey fanatic mother by now.)
Darcy’s a friendly guy. A big smile and a wave back to all.
Okay, buddy. Strut your stuff tonight. We’re getting down to the wire here. Score some goals. Kick some a**. (I’m speaking/writing figuratively here. I don’t like hockey fights.)
So while the rest of you may be hitting the hot spots on a Friday night — wining, dining, dancing, the theatre, whatever — I’m content to sit at home and watch my guys play.
I've got to be the cheapest date imaginable.
Further (late) entries to the Six-Word Memoir Exercise
DJ Cayenne:
Eschewed work places requiring ties.
Dorky Dad:
Eat Doritos
Drink Coke
Get Fat
Dorky Dad’s Wife:
Many sneezes
Many tissues
Now bankrupt
Drat! I missed the damned game!
lonely, sad.
husband, happy,
kids, dogs
Manic Mom
Got married, had kids, die happy.
Did you notice that if you slightly altered your writing creed, it is six words...
avoid distraction
use discipline
do it.
I once sat in Pearson airport with the entire team! It was kind of confusing at first, lots and lots of big hulking guys in suits....then the light bulb went off, and we realised who they were...in good Canadian fashion no one got too worked up, but they did give out some autographs...my brush with hockey fame...
Sounds like a great evening, I know a few other people with the same plan.
Me once again....I've been tagged, and now so have you.
The "creed" may now have six words but it sure isn't the "story" of my life! (Should be.)
Pearson Airport. The entire team. Sigh...
I'm about to check the tag...it better be good!
The Thrashers appear to be comfortably in the playoffs barring catastrophe, but I had to go look it up to be sure.
I think its funny that you have the same hair stylist as a hockey player. I assume this guy doesn't have the stereotypical "hockey cut" - the long in back/short up top look we call "mullets" down here.
I saw my very first full length hockey game a few weeks ago. It's on REALLY late at night here. It was between...err...2 teams...and the full time score was 2-2. Pathetic I know, sorry. Even though I had no idea what was going on, it was pretty enjoyable. And I've got to marvel at how they skate..I can't even stand up on ice. But I figure that if I'm to go to Canada with J I have to start learning about certain sports!
Maybe once I know more about what's going on I'll choose a team that I have some sort of connection to.
Yes - sigh - I know where the Thrashers are in the standings. Well beyond "our" reach.
Absolutely no mullets on the Leaf team. (Not an "in thing" in Toronto.)
I'm not sure whether I should be insulted re: your remark about me having the same hair stylist as a hockey player - or if Tucker should...
Move to Toronto and a) I'll teach you how to skate and play hockey (I used to play) and b) you can cheer for the Leafs!
No offense intended. I was just picturing a guy headed into a professional stylists to get a mullet - regrettably, it is a persistent hockey stereotype down here.
I wasn't really offended. When it comes to my hair, the word "stylist" just doesn't apply.
And the salon Darcy and I (!) go to is a pretty low key, unassuming place. Great cuts, great styling - whatever you want.
That's a very cool offer! Especially on the coaching front...although you're a tad far from BC...and Whistler!! Not that I'm obsessed or anything.
Who are the Blue Jays? Or is that a totally different sport altogether?
No hotspots and wining and dining for me. Just some videos and a really great shrimp stirfry...with noodles.
I have learned more about the Leafs from reading your blog. LOL
Okay, I didn't know you were headed west. The offer is withdrawn. Too far for me to travel.
The Toronto Blue Jays are a baseball team!
Yeah, now you know Tucker is # 16! I'll have you a knowledgeable fan in no time.
Enjoy your fun evening.
(I didn't order in - I'm cooking.)
Hmm...I'm not a fan of baseball. It reminds me too much of Rounders. And that sucked at school.
I think I'll have to do some research into Hockey though. Are there any teams whose colours are red, white and black? Those are the colours of my football team.
Okay, next contest: One of those cinquain thingies.
One word
Two words describing word one
Three words describing word one
Four words describing word one
One word (synonymous with word one)
Lotsa cute hockey players, teeth or no!
I can't believe I checked this out for you. The New Jersey Devils and the Carolina Hurricanes have red, white and black jerseys BUT they are in the United States.
YOU will be in Canada so root for the Calgary Flames - red, white and black colours with a tiny bit of gold/yellow (re: the "flame").
BTW, I believe your "football" is our soccer here. (I could be wrong.)
mof3: Ah, yes, the Steelers fan! A woman who can appreciate the beauty of male athletes.
And that new word contest? Yikes. Have you done one of those? I'm noting it for another time - maybe. Gotta try it myself first.
That's SO nice of you to do that! Thanks!!
I'm waaaay confused about the whole "Division" bit. I'll just have to google the NHL I think.
And there's no way I'd support an American team...no offence to any Americans!
And yeah, Football is called soccer over there. Although, I'll always call it Football...no matter where I am!
ya know what? We have a local hockey team and we got FREE TICKETS and no. one. wanted. to. go......they were FREE!!!!
let's see...6 words...story of my life..
lonely, sad.
husband, happy,
kids, dogs
john: You're welcome!
I added your six word memoir to the list on today's post.
It's a good one!
Oh Beth, Beth, Beth!
I am a.... I live in Ottawa!
Probably that is all I need to say, right?
Sens fan?
One thing I will [regretfully] say for your beloved Leafs though.... they are our nemesis.
They've got Ottawa's number.
The Sens could never lose ONE game in the entire season, and they would STILL bail out if faced by the Maples in playoffs!
This is why I must..... I simply MUST.... continue to hate the Leafs.... and everything Leafish!
I hate them because they are so damn good in the crunch, and we aren't.
Alas, I bet you are chuckling with glee after the Leaf performance last night. Arghh!
How in the name of God could they blow a 4-1 lead?
Yeah, there's a hate thing going on between the Leafs and the Sens. (I disliked the Sens even more when Chara was on their team...)
That was an intense game!
Though I'm not a huge fan of the Leafs specifically, you gotta root for the Canadian teams... and that was a ridiculous 3rd period.
I'm very disappointed you didn't tell John to root for the Canucks, though :(
princess pointful:
That game pissed me off - royally.
I would have told John to root for the Canucks except they have a bit too much blue in their jerseys - he wanted red, white and black!
I had a look at their website actually. And I hate to say it, but I can't support a team that has a logo quite that bad. Really sorry!
I'm yet to decide on a team...but when I do, there's going to have to be a serious connection somewhere!
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