Saturday, January 21, 2012


It seems as though I’ve been away for a very long time and yet it’s only been 22 days.  During my absence, my mother died.  This was a very personal experience for my family and not one I wish to share the private details of on my blog.  We got through it - with tears, love and laughter.  Yes, laughter.  That’s the way we are.

My thanks to those who kept in touch via email and phone calls.  You provided comfort - and smiles.

While my mind seems ready to resume my version of a so-called normal life, my body is lagging.  I’m amazed at the fatigue that hit me this week.  Once I manage to shake this, I’ll be back blogging on a more regular basis – and hopefully with cheerier topics.

 Thanksgiving 2011


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Everyone grieves in their own way. The only thing in common is the time it takes. Here is a part of a poem by John O'Donohue that comforts me:

Gradually, you will learn acquaintance
With the invisible form of your departed;
And when the work of grief is done,
The wound of loss will heal
And you will have learned
To wean your eyes
From that gap in the air
And be able to enter the hearth
In your soul where your loved one
Has awaited your return
All the time.

Blessings to you.

Sherry said...

Kim the O'Donohue is a beautiful piece.

Beth, the fatigue is all part of the weeks you have been through. The body and the mind keep going because they have to and there is much to be done and then afterwards the adrenaline just stops and you are beyond tired.

Take the time you need now for you, to look at life as it will be from here forward.

And know how much your mother loved you and that love will continue.

Bless you and your family. ♥

Trish said...

I'm sorry about your mother's passing. My hugs and condolences to you and your family. That's a lovely family photo! Yes, laughter is just as necessary as tears, I think. We had a big family dinner after my dad's funeral with many stories and fond memories, laughter included.

Glad to see you back :)

Adam said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I experienced losing a parent early in life, so I know how it feels.

oreneta said...

I'm so very sorry. Hugs and happy memories, and great photos must help. Hang in there.

Jules said...

My thoughts are with you Beth and your family. Remember the good times and the happy memories and keep the laughter part of your process. x

Lainey-Paney said...

Oh, I'm so sorry.

justjoe said...

:( I don't know you personally, but I extend my condolences. It's a hard time to get by, and you're entitled to feel what you feel right now. Sorry for your loss.

laughingwolf said...

sorry for your loss, beth :(

yeah, went to a 'party' for the passing of brother-in-law's brother-in-law a month ago...

larry did not want folks standing around in a gloom, so paid in advance for a drink each for us in attendance, and said to have fun, remembering him as he was before, not as he was that day... hell of a guy, miss him a lot....

Barrie said...

So, so sorry, Beth. Condolences to you and your family. Thank goodness for the laughter. I'm so glad you were all together for Thanksgiving. And I gotta believe the fatigue is a part of grieving. Take care of yourself. What a wonderful daughter you have been. xo

Cheryl said...

I am just reading this now, behind as always with my blogging, but I wanted to let you know how sorry I am. I know how private you are but I also know how close you are to your family and I hope that helps with the grieving process.
Big hugs to you. Be good to yourself as you grieve, use laughter, as it is an effective too and remember your family and friends are always there.
I love the photo. It says so much.

Mark p.s.2 said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

Beth said...

Mark p.s.2:
Thank you for taking the time to leave this comment - I appreciate it.

Nomad said...

Gosh Beth,

I am so so sorry. No one can fill shoes like Mom can.
I know there is nothing I can say, but I am thinking of you. Hugs.