I’m off to the cottage – so looking forward to this mini-vacation.
I have no Internet connection there now. Nada, nil. Not even the old dial-up-from-hell one. This cyberspace disconnect will be good for my brain – not to mention my a**.
And, heck, there are other addictions to indulge.
What?! You thought I was referring to alcohol and other such naughty-natured indulgences?
No, no, no! I mean communing with nature. This too is addicting.
Sitting on the dock and/or deck, breathing in the fresh air, absorbing the sounds of the north – ALL THE WHILE KEEPING A WARY EYE OUT* FOR BEARS!!
We all come out of hibernation eventually, don’t we?
Have a wonderful weekend. I plan to.
*“keeping a wary eye out” – Such a strange expression…makes me think of an eyeball hanging out of its socket. The reality is I’ll be keeping both eyes open and looking over my shoulder. My fear of bears is something I’ll never outgrow. “Outgrow.” Yet another strange expression…
Enough, Beth! Just go!
photo credit: www.twincreeksllamas.com
I will never again hear that expression - keeping an eye out - without thinking of an eyeball hanging out of its socket. Thanks. I think. Have a good commune. Chant a couple of Oms for me. I've been more chanting the "Omygods" lately. I understand that bears are more frightened of us than we are of them. Ya think?
hope you have a fabulous bear-free weekend
I hope it's too early for black flies.
Have a lovely time!!!
Bears can climb trees, can't they? I suggest you take every precaution against those belligerent swines.
Bear in mind it is still cold out there so don't go around bear naked or anything, it's bearly warm enough for shorts here...
nazdarovja! ;)
but yeah, beware the bear... bare or otherwise :)
How jealous am I? We won't open for a few more weeks. Cottage pre bugs and crowds is heaven. Have a wonderful weekend communing.
Enjoy your retreat!
Go, go and enjoy yourself! You deserve it.
Have a fabulous time Beth! There's nothing quite like fresh spring air up north. Maybe you could even get some books read ;)
I am jealous! Can't wait to head up north myself, need to clear the city cobwebbs :) Enjoy my dear.
Happy communing with nature!! Hope the only bears you run into are all Winnie the pooh types.
Gosh, I can't remember the last time I was without an Internet connection. 1999? Yep, must be :-p
be sure to tell how it feels like!
what a wonderful life a bear has. you eat all you want, grow fat, and then you sleep all winter.
but waking up hungry- that's the tradeoff. you don't want to get between a hungry bear and dinner. or you'll be the dinner.
have a wonderful time at the cottage.
people that take their eyeballs out and show them to you are awesome.
Have fun with the bears.
I like bears. I had one break into my house when I lived in Colorado. He ate some leftovers and stunk up the place then went on his merry way.
I'm jealous and happy for you..commune, go, commune!
Have a great, bear free trip. You deserve it.
* I know what you mean. "Keep your eyes peeled" is just as bizarre.
Be careful Beth.
I want at least one more rendezvous with you at Greenjeans. This time I shall not order the salmon thing. That tasted like DOG-FOOD!
Don't get eaten by bears!?
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