Saturday, December 19, 2009

Carry On

We were in the ER with my Mom again yesterday.

The mouse infestation became worse – beyond my ability to cope. An exterminator was called.

And other stuff.

I’d like to be able to say I can’t do this anymore and have that mean something or change the way things are but both reality and my own words render such a wish meaningless.

Still, there will be reasons to smile and laugh today no matter what. That in itself is a reason to smile.


patti said...

Oh...I'm sorry. This is more than tough.

Sherry said...

You've hit the ceiling...and things will settle again...but for now it's just all too much.

My thoughts are with your mother...the exterminator will take care of the other issue...

You make sure you take care of you. Why not have some fiber??? ;)

Sherry said...

Other people who might read my comment will have NO idea what that means...but Beth gets it and hopefully it WILL make her laugh!! xo

oreneta said...

Hugs and sympathies. Are your sisters around to help with it all? That has to lighten the load to some extent anyway. Hang in there hon.

JR's Thumbprints said...

I've had mice and voles in our garage and shed for what seems like forever. Oh, and pet rats in the house.

Hope all goes well with your mom.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope 2010 will bring better stuffs... and that your mum will get better.

Maggie May said...

i'm sorry, i am. you are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your family and your mother. Not a good day.

Calling the exterminator was a very wise,wise move. One less thing, thing to have to worry or deal with, can help you focus on what really matters.

I hope those smiles come back real soon.

Keeping you in my thoughts.

choochoo said...

People can always deal with more crap than they originally thought. And no crap is eternal. Hope your mum is doing okay :)

Deidra said...

Bummer. For real. I'm praying for you...

Mary-Laure said...

So sorry to hear this... it must be so upsetting for you and your mum.

To cheer you up, check out the pics of my sister's wedding in Paris, I just posted them on my blog...

PG said...

Sometimes it would be nice if life were just like a bad dream that you can wake up from and everything is better again. I hope your mother feels better soon.

Seraphine said...

i'm so sorry to hear about your mother again. hugs to you.

calling the exterminator is a good idea. a few years ago, we had a rat infestation. we could hear them in the walls at night. so my husband put poison under the house. and one of the rats crawled next to a heating vent... it smelled awful. one guy wanted $800 to remove it, but we found someone who retrieved the rat and plugged the hole where they came in for $200. we should have called the exterminator in the first place- a lesson learned.

hang in there beth. take a deep breath, take however many you need. sherry lee is right- be sure to take care of yourself too.

Angie Muresan said...

Beth, that is horrible! I hope your mom gets well soon. My mom's cancer is in remission, yet I worry about her constantly. I agree with the other commentators, take care of yourself, so you don't end up sick.

Charlotta-love said...

:o( All that comes to my mind is that "Footprints in the sand" poem that talks about God carrying us through our tough times. You are in my thoughts.

Seraphine said...

i love your christmas card. wishing you a wonderful christmas also.

laughingwolf said...

merry christmas to you and yours, beth :)

Ed & Jeanne said...

Come on over to the nonsense...I'll make you smile! Oh, and be sure to visit on Wednesday for my annual presents post and happy holidays!

Cheryl said...

Big cyber hug from my end of the world (((( * )))) Sorry you and your family have to go through all this. And yes to exterminators! delegate as much as possible. Take care of yourself. xx

Rick said...

Beth, I do so admire you for hanging in there in the midst of all the building despair. She is so lucky to have you as a daughter. I hope that she gets better. I was really just stopping by to tell you to have a great holiday season, but now I want to add that you really deserve a great holiday season. We're all rooting for you.

Angel said...

aww Hon...I'm thinking of you right now...and your Mom. and the mice..but not in a good way for the mice.

Hang in there WILL get better...when? I don't know, I'm still waiting on that myself! but I've been assured by many many people, that it WILL get better.

Merry Christmas!

Seraphine said...

my best friend called me last night with the news another close friend is in the hospital, in icu, with pneumonia.
you'd think, for christmas, the world would get a bye, a reprieve. an end to war, a respite from suffering. pain and sickness have no place in the christmas of my dreams.
so after another cup of coffee, i should visit the hospital and see him. his wife must be fried, staying at the hospital for christmas.
may you have blessings this christmas, beth. wonderful blessings.

Barrie said... we both have Christmas seasons filled with doctors and ERs. We deserve treats or stickers or a trip to the bookstore or something. ;)