Thursday, November 05, 2009


My mother isn’t well.

I know she will be okay. My sisters and I have been and will be spending every moment we can with her. Her hospital stay will supposedly be a brief one. While the doctors attempt to get her immediate physical issues under control, we will begin dealing with matters as to her future care and living arrangements. This is going to be a long process and quite a battle. She is one feisty lady.

Word of advice: If at all possible (and it usually isn’t) stay away from hospitals if you can. We spent yesterday in the various ER areas of a hospital full of sick people wearing masks due to possible H1N1. My mother was finally admitted after eight hours but was still in the ER when we left due to a lack of available beds. (And, no, she does not have H1N1.)


Sherry said...

Thinking of you and your mother. There are times when life just steps in and reminds us of what matters and what our true priorities are.

patti said...

Oh, I know. It will be tiring, dealing with all the details. But soon you all will find a new normal. (my son is sick, too-mono, strep, and bronchitis)

Deidra said...

I will be holding her in my prayers today. And you and your family as well. Keep breathing, my friend.

Reeny's Ramblin' said...

Hope all turns out well...

The Author Of This said...

All the best to your Ma.

There's obviously a serious and quite sensible reason why it's called H1N1, but why give it such a stupid freaking nickname? It doesn't even have anything to do with pigs. I'm voting for a change of name, something like Dolphin Sniffles. At the moment, if you have a cold there's always some bright spark that says "Oh, you got Swine Flu!?" and then makes some constipated effort to sound like a pig. I'd like to see someone do a Dolphin impression. It would end up sounding like Woody Woodpecker with a bad case of Whooping Cough.

Bee said...

STRENGTH of mind and body to you as you help your mother deal with this!

We've all had swine flu this month, and we didn't even have to visit a hospital to get it. Anyway, we've had something flu-y. They are begging people to NOT come to the hospital if they are sick.

Charlotta-love said...

Hope your mother recovers soon. My brother called to tell me he has H1N1. Trying to make a joke I replied, "You have H1 and N1? At the same time?!" He just said, "um, yeah."

I hear the worst part about H1N1 is that it dulls a brother's sense of humor. Beware!

oreneta said...

Oh how grim. Hang in there. A lot of folks find it better to get into the system sooner so there is a space if it all gets a bit drastic quickly....


Lainey-Paney said...

Sorry about your mom's hospitalization. Hope she doesn't put up too much of a fight with the planning for the future.

Comments about the ER:
I try to avoid it...but I work in one. they frown upon me not coming to work...
And yes, we're all over the masks down here in Texas too.

Seraphine said...

may your mother's feistiness serve her well. stay independent as long as you can, mom! get well soon.
i asked my doctor today for a swine flu shot. he didn't have any. he said he only got 20 doses of the 'regular' flu vaccine, but i already got that shot a few weeks ago at safeway.
hugs to you. being in hospitals is never fun.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I'd almost rather be in a morgue than a hospital...almost...

Anonymous said...

And I bet hospital are even more crowded than usual right now...! What craziness!

Hope your mother get better soon.

Mary-Laure said...

I hope you'll both be fine. I adore my mum and couldn't possibly deal with any illness of hers, so my thoughts and heart are with you. And her.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I hope she is feeling better or is at least not in any discomfort. It is so difficult to see a parent ill, and I totally agree that the hospital's don't make it any easier. I know they are busy, but there has to be a better system or privacy and compassion.
I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

i've been thinking about you. i know the place you are at right now.

i'm here.

PG said...

Sorry to hear that your mother is not well. I hope that her symptoms get under control soon. Take care of yourself too.

Rick said...

I'm so sorry that your mother is sick, Beth, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. I've never been in the hospital, but spend time visiting others who are sick and it's a sobering experience. It's sad that your mom had to wait 8 hours. Anyway, sounds like she's so lucky to have you and your sisters for both love and support.

laughingwolf said...

all the best for your mom's recovery, beth...

Cheryl said...

I'm with Patti and Deidra, just keep breathing, keep breathing and remember a lot of people are thinking of you and holding you and your family in their prayers. My one advice, try to bring laughter into it whenever you can. Ask your funniest friends and relatives to come over.
love and joy to you xx