Friday, June 12, 2009

A Friend Indeed...

When it takes about twenty minutes for you and your friend to notice she’s wearing two different shoes (in her defense, they were of a similar style) or when you leave the house wearing a t-shirt inside-out (in my defense…well, there really isn’t one…) YOU KNOW that long ago the two of you chose the very best kind of friend to have.

The kind where, when you begin losing it, someone else is along for the ride – and you’re both capable of such incredible laughter when those mishaps occur. The tears and snorting and gasping for breath and tummy torture sort of laughter.

My God, we crack each other up.

Whose turn is it next, Half-Brain?

Photo credit:


Anonymous said...

What's next? I'm thinking we do a little stand up comedy in Vegas. They say laughter's contagious so all we'd have to do is stand on stage and kill ourselves laughing at each other. The place will go wild. Come on, we KNOW we're hilarious.

Plan B is more "Thelma and Louise" but I'm driving!

Reeny's Ramblin' said...

Laughter is a must for me in any friendship. If ya can't make me laugh, we can't hang.

BTW, I wore my underwear inside out yesterday.

Bee said...

Are those shoes really different? (They look the same.)

Laughter from the gut is the absolute best.

Mary-Laure said...

It's so great to laugh with a friend. It's the best feeling.

laughingwolf said...

geez beth, this a continuation of your last post title? :O lol

but i agree, nuffin like a good larf, all day... and night :)

Travis Erwin said...

How funny. Like minds ...

Cheryl said...

Friendships like that are such a blessing!

NYD said...

Laughter? Why thay's why I am a member of the Groucho Marx society.
My wife eve looks like him, but without the cigar. She hates cigars.

Fear not I am not lost to twitter. It is only a deversion for things not worth blogging about.

Seraphine said...

lol. you're right, it would be easy to not notice the shoes at a glance.
i like wearing two diff colors of socks sometimes.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

laughter, snorting and peeing INDEED! love it all :)

Charlotta-love said...

I'm hoping those shoes aren't different...since I can't tell them apart one from the other.

I love those types of friends - the ones you can laugh until you pee in your pants and they just laugh louder. ...not that I've *ahem* EVER peed in my pants due to laughter. cough