Gross, huh? This swollen monstrosity of a foot with the yucky toe is not mine. It belongs to one of my sons who prefers to remain anonymous.
A classic example of - “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.”
For years and years I have told my kids NOT TO WRESTLE on the slippery raft trying to push one another into the lake BECAUSE SOMEONE MIGHT GET HURT.
I was finally proved right. Someone did get hurt - broke a toe and tore ligaments.
My sense of satisfaction is not what I thought it might be.
Mother love trumps being right.
Okay, so I was desperate for blog fodder. My apologies. The brain is functioning at about 75% capacity. It was either this or Day 6 of no posts. Perhaps another no post day might have been preferable??
Oh no, I love posts where mother's are proof positive that we know what we are talking about -- even if it takes forever to prove our point!!! :)
I always say to my kids:
"Its all good fun until someone loses an eye...". They roll their eyes and groan. I had lunch today with someone that had damaged the exact same toe..painful!
Those silly boys . . . always have to go and prove that mothers are right after all. They just can't take our word for it.
I don't know about your guys but mine will brag and laugh about their injuries for years, like war stories, slapping each other on the back and carrying on.
oh no...I prefer this to no post at all! and that looks painful...I suppose he's milking it for all it's worth, rith? ;)
i never listened to anyone either. kids have to learn on their own, even if what they do appears stupid to the rest of mankind. that's why kids heal faster than adults.
Oh, poor boy! That looks painful!
Glad you posted, and I did the same sort of thing looking for blog fodder! (posting a photo of self at the dentist!)
Can he wear a shoe???
And I hear you about 75% brain capacity! : )
Sure go ahead gloat. I bet you say thing like, "It's all fun and game until someone loses an eye," as well. Don't you?
Sending the most chaste and appropriate kisses to that poor toe.
I told you so is never quite as delicious as it should be.
No! Broken toe blogs are fine. Besides, you needed to tell us you were right. You should always take that opportunity.
Boys...hope he's better soon.
Owowowowowow. Glad that's not my foot. People at any age think they are invincible and don't think something will happen. That'll be a reminder with every step for a while. Hope it heals quickly.
Heh. You and the Guy BOTH have entries today about being smug!!!
aiiighhhh!!! Toes!!!
That looks mighty painful.
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