Sunday, January 21, 2007

Of Mice and Men and Women

The one and only casualty in the weekend battle of the Stewarts vs. the mice.

(Photo credit — Mr. Stewart.)

Guess who’s winning the war?

There’s a mouse nest (a.k.a. a bunker) in the cottage. Somewhere.

We will be back...

(If this picture upsets you, I apologise. And if you feel sorry for this mouse, you’ve never had to clean up after them.)


Unknown said...


No they don't. But I feel for you. Some day, perhaps, I'll tell you my rat story. Suffice it to say, I am now 100 percent paranoid about any noise I hear anywhere in the house.

Good luck!

Beth said...

dorky dad: For a split second, you had me going there. (I actually considered the fact the picture might offend somebody.)
Rats. OMG. Did you read Orwell's 1984? Remember the torture scene with the rat and the face-cage? You are right to be 100% paranoid.

oreneta said...

We had a bad mouse problem one year in our house, when my younger child was an infant. I was sitting quietly in the kitchen nursing her and moved my foot. I scared the living wits out of a mouse under my chair, who ran for it under the fridge. She abandoned a baby under the chair. Minute, hairless and helpless. I scooped the baby up and put it by the fridge, then went upstairs and got REALLY quite. My husband was horrified that I didn't kill it. "THEY'LL BREED AND BREED AND BREED."

But it was a mother who had lost her baby....there was NO way.

Oh, she came and got it.

Beth said...

oreneta: Okay, if I'd seen baby mice, I might not have such a heartless attitude. Then again, if we'd found the nest (the source!!) I might have just tip-toed away and let my husband do whatever was necessary...

Anonymous said...

We recently had a mouse in the house. My cat was playing soccer with it. (She didn't MEAN to kill it!) Another one appeared a month later... then another...
Until word got around in Mouse Town that the cat would get them. Funnily enough, my neighbours (on the other side of our semi-detached) had mice shortly after that. They have no cat, and want to borrow ours.

Beth said...

bec: I have to confess. I'm afraid of cats (most of them, anyway). But we could have used one this weekend.

Attila the Mom said...

aaaiiigghhhhhhh!!!! I have a bundle of my own scary mouse memories that I've been repressing. Don't let them out! ;-)

Beth said...

attila: Don't you ever wonder why we find mice scary? A nuisance, yes, but why do I scream when I see them? The element of surprise???