“The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.”
~Virginia Woolf
“And sometimes, their words the poison we unwittingly swallow.”
~E. Stewart
With barely perceptible movement and actions, I’m dismantling the cage, dismissing the glances and refusing to swallow that which I find unpalatable.
Progress is slow. Sometimes I lose ground.
While change is not always easy at this stage in one’s life, it is possible – and the rewards are worth the struggle.
Hell, I should have done this years ago.
Word to the wise – being nice and accommodating is not all it’s cracked up to be.
To quote Theodore Roosevelt, you can always, "Speak softly and carry a big stick…”
Or in my case, a small to medium sized one. (Old habits die hard.)
We all need to realize that standing up for ourselves does not make us any less lady-like or whatever it is we are supposed to be. And just think what a great role model you are to your boys and future DIL's.
Own it Books!
Don't swallow, spit! HA! Couldn't resist.
Being a role model is quite the responsibility, isn’t it? And I guess it never ends.
Love this comment - and I’m trying!
That’s actually not such a bad idea – far more proactive.
I’ll have to practice, though. My aim’s not so great. ;)
just remember: you do not own anyone else's opinions... right or wrong... only your own
words, like rocks or other missiles, once hurled, cannot be taken back
A small to medium stick, applied strategically will most definitely serve!
Virginia Woolf knew what she was talking about
Speaking up, speaking out and using a small-medium stick with great finesse... ah, priceless.
You have found your voice- don't let anyone make it Less.
true, sometimes being true to and taking care of yourself necessitates using an effing stick. I had a to use a stick recently...forgetting that sticks hurt...and now I must live with the consequences. Hopefully this means only better, truer, stronger friendships from now on.
Life is too short to spend it in a cage.
Don't forget - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Nice gals do finish last, Beth. If you can't join 'em, beat 'em. That's what I always say. (Not really. I just made that one up.)
Do stay on track, though. After a while, it gets kind of fun to carry a stick.
When I change, I often think 'i should have done this years ago'
you are awesome.
Change is hard. Carry your stick and enjoy it.
interesting thoughts and comments from everyone.
Hang [thy adversary] in there, Beth!
“And sometimes, their words the poison we unwittingly swallow.”
I do like your own quote, Beth. So very true! I have never been nice and accommodating, and I have been called selfish more than once. But I figure I only have one life and one chance at happiness.
How did I not know that the stick saying was from Theodore Roosevelt? Amazing the holes in my knowledge!!
First of all, I love your quote. Full packed with wisdom...
Secondly, this post resonated with me so much today. I've been nice and accommodating all of my life. It's so ingrained that I'm still working on this. And the thing is - the thing that I set myself up for time and time again is that I EXPECT people to be nice and accommodating in turn. Now, that's funny. A lesson I'm still learning but actually understanding the true lesson - that life is not always so - this late in the program. So, I'm a slow learner....
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