"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."
~ Groucho Marx
Big smile when I came across this quotation – so on point and timely.
It’s either my age (hormonal imbalance and all that jazz) or the myriad of thoughts swirling about my brain (do this, do that…no, do this first and then do that…) but I’m having trouble making sense of the world these days. In fact, I’m having trouble making any kind of sense - period.
My youngest helps – he very kindly points out my flawed thinking processes and occasionally manages to fill in the blanks for me.
I think a five year old would be even better. A little less judgmental, low on the sarcasm and would provide some much-needed clarity. Children have a knack for seeing the world as it is, for getting priorities straight.
Truly, there are days I think I’m nucking futs.
Maybe it’s just a case of spring fever? The warm weather has finally arrived! Had my hair all chopped off in celebration. I feel like a new woman - still “futs” but with a different look. Wonder what I’ll do next? The possibilities are endless... Skip town? Change my name? A singing career with Oreneta?
I need that five year old.
But just a rental – not to own. I’m not that crazy.
Photo credit: http://www.bestuff.com/stuff/splashing-in-puddles
Hi Beth!
We are all a little futs once in a while. My futs all the time. Can to join the futs club? HAHA
Now there's a tempting thought!!!!
Nucking futs.....there are moments. The man warned me today not to get too uptight about the (non)construction. He thought I'd 'hurt myself!' I suppose an ulcer or something!
Rental - excellent idea!!
Just what I needed to read this morning...you've brightened my day! xo
gopher it!
i've been fup duck alla my life, so it's nice to see another, once inna big while! ;) lol
btw, check out lady g's contest on my page...
word verif: quarksad
I think you've got a touch of March Hare disease. Jumping around on all fours might help you get it out of your system.
March Hare disease? I like that! You're probably not too too crazy if you're aware of it :)
Oh, and I was going to say that my teens have become quick at pointing out when they feel I'm annoying others. You know, like a checkstand person, bank teller, etc. It's amazing that I've made it this far in life, apparently. ;)
Me too. I was coasting along nicely until my hormones started making a lot of trouble for me. And now little things are just driving me up the wall this week.
My five year old niece, btw, would just say to me, let's go play, Aunt Cheryl!
Maybe we should go and play more...?
A child of five or a 95 year old grandparent....
I'm still blaming it on daylight savings time.
Kids are refreshing. Oh what do I know... I'm still a kid! :-)
It's funny how most of us get a haircut as soon as it's above zero. Must be an ancestral Canadian tradition!
Today I felt like getting in my car and just driving. I even went so far as to mentally pack a suitcase. Everything and everyone got on my nerves. Having a sinus infection and two sick kids doesn't help.
I guess the thing to do is keep on breathing. Thinking of you.
Thanks for your comment Beth. It means alot.
You're childlike in the best possible way already. And we're all befuddled these days :)
nucking futs.
LOVE that quote.
And would you like some fries with it?
That is a great quote, and this is a great blog. I'm a new follower, and I'm glad to join the fun.
every time i come back and see that quote i smile THIS BIG
oh to be a 5 year old again and be able to jump into puddles.........mind you I could do that with my new wellies/rainboots, no one is stopping me?
Gill an hour north of you who popped by via Zhu's
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