Okay, the above image is of a plug but the post itself isn’t one. My publisher would tear his (their) hair out to know I wasn’t promoting my own work but the truth is, I haven’t done any promoting for years – with the exception of providing a link on this blog.
The purpose of this post is to share my delight (warranted or not) in discovering that my e-book A Limited Partnership is listed on Amazon. I have no idea when it first appeared, but it’s there now!

The cover is courtesy of author and illustrator Patricia Storms. I can’t remember exactly how I found Patricia to do this work but once we met, it was the beginning of our friendship. I told her what I had in mind – no bodice ripping for me! – and she delivered. I love what she did.
If you check out the link, you might note the date of publication is 1996. I have not written a romance novel since. I wrote A Limited Partnership on a dare when informed there was a formula to writing romance. If a formula exists, it’s a challenging one. While I’ve written short story romance for magazines since then, I’ve never felt the urge or inclination to tackle another romance novel. I’ve made money on this book – the royalties have trickled in – but apparently the key to greater financial success in this genre is to keep churning them out – establish name recognition. I’ve done neither. My choice.
But, hey, it’s still a kick to see that book on Amazon.
I wonder how long it will remain up?
Note to Patricia – Check out the link on the publisher’s site for the Contemporary Romance selections – “our” book occupies the #1 spot. I think it’s because of the unique cover!
Wheee! And congratulations! You made it to Amazon. I can safely say that you have arrived. Can I tell everybody I know that I know you?! And why not do some shameless self-promotion? I think we, especially as women, tend to down play our achievements with "aw shucks" statements too often.
I'm glad this is not a plug, but a plug...because what is the point of writing a book, being published, being listed on Amazon and NOT plugging?!?! :)
Love it!
This is not a compliment but it is a compliment. You are a great writer. I'm glad you are on Amazon. :o)
Well aren't you just the little shy one... I can't wait until I am invited onto Oprah - then I can name drop that I 'know' a published author on Amazon. That is seriously cool.
Glad you let us know. Off to take a look see..
grats... and do toot your own horn! :)
What great news! I haven't looked at that cover for a while. So we've known each other since 1996? How time flies. And yet, we both look younger. How is that possible? ;)
You know, I really do like that our friendship started all because of books and writing, don't you? It seems only fitting, I think!
You're an e-star!!!!
Good for you Elizabeth
Wowza! That is so cool! I'm swooning over here. And there is absolutely no shame in a little bit of honest self-promotion or plugging or shouting it from the rooftops! You go!
Eh, there is no shame in a bit of self-promotion. You are a published author, published on paper, unlike the rest of us who are just virtual ;-)
Woohoooooo! That is so neat. I must buy it as soon as I can. Wow. Congratulations!
Beth, if you don't promote yourself, I will. You are a writer, let the world know it. Now, I'm off to Amazon to buy the book.
This is too cool. I love that cover, btw. The bodice ripper look is very embarrassing to buy; I've always wondered why they market so many books that way.
hey that so cool! congrats!
I think it's way cool.
Plug away.
Idea: write an anti-romance.
An Alannis Morrisette (spelling on that???) of the writing world.
{think back...circa '96, when she came to the music scene & was all pissed & jaded, and all of us gals really liked screaming along with the lyrics!??}
yes: write an anti-romance.
Very, very cool!!!
I should get a Kindle... and read you!
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