I do not need rescuing. Thank. You. Very. Much.
If need be, I am quite capable of rescuing myself.
Nor do I need condescension, unsolicited advice, vapid flirtatious gestures, to be taken care of or to be the object of some idiotic knight-in-shining armour fantasy.
Oh, and FYI? Your time schedule does not take precedence over mine.
And do not feel obliged to be there for me because by the time you are there, in all likelihood I will be somewhere else.
So, f**k right off.
My apologies for my language. If I could just vent in person, it would be healthier and far more effective. Alas, this will have to do. I seem incapable of ridding myself of the nice factor.
Push me too far, though and someday it may disappear…
Watch out.
Photo credit: http://www.targotennisberg.com/tarkvara
Maybe you just need a haircut. I know a great stylist. Really listens to what you want. Right up your alley ;)
You watching the Hockey final today?!
I didn't see a single mention of the word ARSE in that post. I have discovered that when venting, that it helps a lot to say ARSE a lot.
If that doesn't help, start super-glueing up the locks of his car... I know another Canadian who told me his sweet old ma used to do that to people that annoyed her. (secretly though...)
Hmm maybe I just gave you unsolicited advice... don't, whatever you do listen to me...lord knows I have have enough trouble putting on my underpants each morning.. one leg at a time.
Hah! I think perhaps you need to find a middle way. Good suggestion from Lynda. I find "BLOATED ARSE!" to be more cathartic than "ARSE!" on its own.
You tell em'. Hockey Hockey Hockey!
This world would be a better place if guys knew their place in it. Women are always the boss! :)
Thanks for all the “arse” suggestions, folks, but I think my blog post may be somewhat misleading. My rant is not gender-specific. ;)
On a more upbeat note, Go, Canada, Go! (Please.)
You go!! I'm amused by the impression some people have of you -- that you are helpless or timid or fragile. Do they KNOW you?!?! I have seen you be fierce... Give 'em hell Beth!!!
Hope you feel better for all that. You never seemed the kind that needed rescuing to me.
Oh, nuts. I hope you feel better after the mini-rant. I don't know what to say but get all biblical and quote, "trouble don't last always". I don't know how I missed your post about burning yourself - but I have done that too. Crap, those things really get hot. Pity the poor hairs trapped inside the mechanism. I am much less concerned about my physical appearance as I've aged and become maternal, although I try to keep the bare minimum up so as not to embarrass those around me.
do you remember andy kaufman doing his mighty mouse/here i come to save the day routine?
Unsolicited advices are the worse IMO. I hate that.
You look like you can take care of yourself and ask for help IF needed!
Who's the bloated arse making vapid flirtatious gestures in your direction sweetie?
Exactly! I hope whoever this person is isn't too dense to get it.
in the gold department, we set a new record... did not watch a single event, don't believe in tv
the only rest a canadian sled dog gets is when there is a hockey game on.
I happen to have loved this rant!!! you go girl!!! Ranting can give you lots of peace....and whoever this is directed towards better watch out!!!
Whew, what's going on?!!! Hope he/she got the message and this all blows over.
I hope that was satisfying!
Sometimes you just have to.
You go, Girl! Cracking me up here!
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