Sunday, December 27, 2009

Next on the Agenda...

No, this is not a picture of the dining room table decorated for the Christmas season.

Yes, I am ruthless. In a frenzied fit of “it’s over” I’ve gathered all the decorations and placed them on the table to be packed away.

No, I have not dismantled the tree. Yet. I’m itching to do it, though.

Yes, we had a wonderful Christmas – had the three boys (plus two girlfriends) with me Christmas Eve, Christmas morning and all but one of the boys for Christmas dinner at my sister’s. I love my huge family – what an amazing group of people.

No, the above photo is not another display of Beth’s decorating skills. My reminder post-its are back up – a spread out in-your-face To Do list re: my mother’s affairs (finances, temporary care, nursing home search, etc.). And if you peer closely, there’s a business card for a plumber.

Yes, another mini-disaster struck this repair-prone home. On Christmas morning. With six people staying here, one of the two toilets broke. A crack in the tank and a flood. (“Just pee in the shower, guys – à la Seinfeld!”)

You have to laugh. Well, I do. And smile. In the midst of blessings and good times, reality has a way of making its presence known. Shit happens. (I know, that’s rude & inappropriate language for the season – or any time - but it’s fitting.)

Here’s to 2010. May it bring all good things to you - and me! The only New Year’s resolution I’m making this year is, “Keep smiling – no matter what…”

A sense of humour is a precious commodity. In my case, being a little crazy even at the best of times also helps. ;)


Deidra said...

Yesterday I almost took down our decorations, but I knew my daughter would have a fit. And then, I dreamed that it rained inside our house and all destroyed our Christmas tree.

Here's to a Happy New Year for us all...filled to overflowing with smiles - no matter what!

Sherry said...

The only expression to use at any time when the toilet breaks is "shit happens"...what else could you say?????

I'm sorry that it happened...with 6 people staying...but Murphy's Law dictates...if it's going to go wrong, it will happen at the worst possible time..otherwise there would be no "angst"!!!

I hear you on taking it all down...we do the dismantle thing on New Year's Day, simply because it's what was done when I was a kid and I've just continued in that tradition. I must admit, the tree is rather getting in the way -- it's so big!!!

Wishing you a very bright and promising 2010 (I'm still finding it hard to say that, 2010. Do you think our ancestors found it hard to say 1910?)...and yes to smiling and finding the joy even in the face of "bad things"!!!! :)

The Guy Who Writes This said...

So how did it crack?

St Jude said...

Oh er, not a good thing to happen on Christmas Day, but that's life. Our decorations will be coming down on 2nd January, but we don't put them up until a few days before Christmas so we haven't lived with them for weeks.

~h~ said...

Whatta pisser!
And I am with you on taking everything down and packing it away. Now.
I am, if anything, thankful to have survived another Christmas. And a house packed with in-laws for five days. With my sense of humour intact. Well, sort of.
Have a Happy New Year, Beth. :)

oreneta said...

......makes you stronger

Unknown said...

HA! Beat you. We took down ALL the decorations today. Bwah ha ha. Oh wait, that should be bah humbug!

Bee said...

Looking forward to more laughs in 2010, Beth. Wow, that was a bum-mer for your toilet to break down.

Charlotta-love said...

If laughter and smilas are your constant companions, 2010 will be your best year yet!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I am so completely on board with you. I'm reading to un-trim the tree and everything, move along, get going. I've felt stunted and stranded these last few weeks and now I want to run. Alas...I'm not the only one in the house...But kudos to you for grabbing the bull by the horns. What else is one to do with only one loo and a house full of guests?! I'm visualizing around the clock to shift your luck (for lack of a better word). I mean, what else can happen there? Unfortunately, Mercury is now retrograde and this until mid-January (to return to normal orbit only by mid-February) so things will continue to *ahem* pop when they should squirt and squirt when they should pop. Have you looked into purchasing a rabbit foot or finding a four-leaf clover patch?

Anonymous said...

A little humor goes a long way to stand life's little craziness!

May 2010 be a good year for you and those around you ;-)

Maggie May said...

ayayaya. we are having toilet issues too, which got put on hold until after christmas. so we've been peeing and gently and lovingly sprayed back on by our toilet.

Angel said...

hey, shit DOES happen..that's called life in my book.

and I am SO ready to take the tree down today...and I'm gonna do it. Well, the boys are gonna take it down. HA! I've sort of been a Scrooge this year, but then I usually am. oh well.

Happy New Year Beth! May 2010 be the best year yet!!

Rick said...

My gosh, your life seems so... normal! :) What a delight your family must be. My best to you over this holiday season. Much to look forward next year.

Cipriano said...

A sense of humour is a precious commodity.
That is a great line, and so true.
It's nice to know that you have maintained a positive attitude even through the failure of your "precious commode"........... ity.

I'm sorry.
I need sleep.

Seraphine said...

i have never heard of a toilet cracking. but then i don't have 3 boys either.
our christmas decor is still up. i'll take it down this coming weekend. the new year will officially end christmas, despite all the talk about christmas all year long.
it's great you are so organized. even your post-its are organized.
wishing you love and light in the new year.

Anonymous said...

it cracked?!

wishing you a wonderful new year, beth.

Laura said...

"Keep smiling no matter what." That would be right after screaming about the shit happening.

Have a year full of positive wonders.

Angie Muresan said...

Yes, Beth. The happiest, loveliest, best 2010 to you!!! Cause you do deserve it!
Life's much easier to handle with a smile on the face, isn't it? I remind myself daily to smile.
And, btw, search for a happy place for your mom. I've seen so many in the last year. If the morale of the caregivers is low, the morale of the patients will soon follow. Best of luck to you. It isn't an easy task to undertake.

Lynda said...

Well what an interesting coincidence... without a house almost exploding with people, the pipes connecting the double sinks in our main bathroom... died. Literally... just disintergrated. It was a disaster. Until I picked up the phone, called a plumber, he came... went to get parts, came back.. fixed it and wished me a merry xmas... and I have no idea how much it cost... I just didn't care.

I am champing at the bit to put away the christmas decs too.. but have decided to hold out until the big daughter has left on Wednesday.

Undercover Mother said...

If I don't laugh hysterically, I'll just cry and my eyes and nose will get all red and puffy. I do not look good when I cry. So may as well laugh.

And peeing in the shower is great--unless it's the shower/garbage disposal episode. Then there could be a conflict.