A week ago today, Apple introduced iPhone — much to the delight of Mac fans. And while I’m not an advertising venue for Apple, here’s a summary from their site as to what this little gadget can do.
“iPhone combines three products — a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, maps, and searching — into one small and lightweight handheld device. iPhone also introduces an entirely new user interface based on a large multi-touch display and pioneering new software, letting you control everything with just your fingers.”
It also has a camera and visual voicemail so you don’t have to listen to your messages in chronological order.
Over-the-top? Maybe. Too expensive at $499.00 U.S.? Not compared to the price of X-Box and the like. Convenient? Yes. Technological over-kill? Who knows. Someday, somebody was going to come up with this little number.
What really gets me about this latest marvel from Apple is the fact that years and years ago I told my husband we should invest in this company — even when it was in a slump. We’ve used Mac computers since Day One — we are die-hard Mac fanatics (although our kids went PC). I’ve always had faith in this company. As for investing, sure we had no money to do so at the company’s beginnings and even when they were in their slump we would have had to sell a kid or two to buy stock, but still…
Newspapers, photographers, artists — they all (or a majority?) use a Mac. There’s always been a niche for these products. I am not at all savvy when it comes to investments. (Sappy, yes. We once owned some Mattel stock — I was in it for Barbie, my husband was hoping to make money.) Nor am I a techie person. Believe it or not, I don’t even own a cell phone. I figure in an emergency, everyone else has one and I can ask them to make a call for me. But I always get a kick out of any company (especially Apple) taking on the BIG, BIG guy — Microsoft.
Will I buy one of these iPhones? Doubt it. But I hope they sell like hotcakes — even if I don’t own any Apple stock.
As for all you PC users — feel free to take me on after my pro Mac post. Give me your best shot. I can take it. I’ve been ”taking it” for years as a Mac aficionado.
“iPhone combines three products — a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, maps, and searching — into one small and lightweight handheld device. iPhone also introduces an entirely new user interface based on a large multi-touch display and pioneering new software, letting you control everything with just your fingers.”
It also has a camera and visual voicemail so you don’t have to listen to your messages in chronological order.
Over-the-top? Maybe. Too expensive at $499.00 U.S.? Not compared to the price of X-Box and the like. Convenient? Yes. Technological over-kill? Who knows. Someday, somebody was going to come up with this little number.
What really gets me about this latest marvel from Apple is the fact that years and years ago I told my husband we should invest in this company — even when it was in a slump. We’ve used Mac computers since Day One — we are die-hard Mac fanatics (although our kids went PC). I’ve always had faith in this company. As for investing, sure we had no money to do so at the company’s beginnings and even when they were in their slump we would have had to sell a kid or two to buy stock, but still…
Newspapers, photographers, artists — they all (or a majority?) use a Mac. There’s always been a niche for these products. I am not at all savvy when it comes to investments. (Sappy, yes. We once owned some Mattel stock — I was in it for Barbie, my husband was hoping to make money.) Nor am I a techie person. Believe it or not, I don’t even own a cell phone. I figure in an emergency, everyone else has one and I can ask them to make a call for me. But I always get a kick out of any company (especially Apple) taking on the BIG, BIG guy — Microsoft.
Will I buy one of these iPhones? Doubt it. But I hope they sell like hotcakes — even if I don’t own any Apple stock.
As for all you PC users — feel free to take me on after my pro Mac post. Give me your best shot. I can take it. I’ve been ”taking it” for years as a Mac aficionado.
You know what I would really like...an ipod that took pictures. Camera and music. That would do it for me. I would be soooo happy.
HEY! I just googled this, and I think they exist!!! WOW, thanks so much for the idea.
oreneta: I was just about to tell you the iPhone does have a camera and an iPod when you left another comment.
Go for it...
YES! Another mac user!
I just made the switch from PC to Mac a couple of months ago and so far so good except for some compatibility grumbles I've had. I kind of went out on a limb by switching because I don't know many people who know their way around macs but the ones that do swear by them. I was attracted to the creative side of comuters so I had to see what it was all about for myself.
As for the iPhone...way cool!
FYI, sister dearest, you won't be buying an iPhone in Canada any time soon...............not available here.........if and when it arrives here, it won't necessarity have all the services being advertised in the U.S.
Also worth noting - these types of phones have been available in Japan for the past 5 years. But yeah, I see why you wish you'd bought stock.......
I figure soon there will be a little micro chip insert somewhere cranial and it will do just everything...we will be able to conduct ALL of our affairs with a dilation or contration of the pupil...
It's too bad the phone, so far, is locked to Cingular service because my crappy T-Mobile phone is screaming to be upgraded, plus I am an Apple geek at heart.
trish: Welcome to the world of Mac! If you have any questions (you know, the kind you're embarrassed to ask) e-mail me. Not that I could probably answer them, but my husband could.
megan: It'll come, it'll come! (Not that I plan on buying one anyway.)
nomad: Wow. Quite the imagination. You should patent your idea (never mind all those petty scientific details).
brian: Welcome, Apple geek!
Yeah, iPhone isn't perfect - yet. It uses Safari - which is okay - but I prefer Firefox. (To create this blog on a Mac, Blogger recommended Firefox.)
Beth, the, Iphone?? Just what we needed - another overpriced product that allows people to boost their self-importance. No, I am not a Luddite but really, I am sick of people talking on cell phones in public places. I resent loud conversations in grocery stores, restaurants, libraries - actually anywhere. Nobody is so important or busy that they must take calls wherever they may be.
Talk about a consumer rip off - why pay rougly $20 a month for a land line telphone where you can have private conversations with whomever you wish for as long as you wish - when you can pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege of having those private conversations in public and irritating the hell out of people like me.
Yes, I know cell phones are convenient and the Iphone has many many uses - but, I would like all these gadgets banned from the interior of all public places and businesses. That is not going to happen so those with cell phones -please take your conversations outside where you can pollute the air with your private musings, ramblings, arguments and business to your hearts desire and hopefully no one else is around to hear you.
I want one of those sooooo bad! I don't like mac computers tho...they take some getting used to.
$499?! Geez, that's a freakin house payment where I live!
anonymous: I hit a nerve, didn't I? I totally agree that cell phones can be intrusive, irritating, dangerous (in the car) and that the users of these things can be downright rude and inconsiderate. There is a time and a place for their use but not when such use intrudes on the quality of life of others.
And - I don't own one.
I actually liked your "rant" - particularly the bit about the "self-importance" aspect of ownership and use. So true. I have no interest in listening to someone's private conversation - give me a break.
beth: I find Mac computers user-friendly. It's those "other ones" that confuse me. As in, you have to go to "START" in order to log off??? Took me forever to figure that one out!
And, yeah, the iPhone is pricey.
I'm intrigued by the iPhone, but I'm pretty basic when it comes to my phones. All I want mine to do is sit on my belt and make me look cool.
dorky dad: And I'm sure you look very cool with that cell phone on your belt. But is it actually charged? Does it ring? Or is it all for show?
All of this new technology makes me feel old.
Now I know how my grandma felt when the betamax came out! LOL
attila: Hello??!! Betamax? Your grandmother? You sweet young thing, you...and here I thought we were at least in the same generation (or close).
... apple is being sued by Cisco for that name - just so you know. They ran off and announced that name before they officially had the rights to it, sort of a jerk move if you ask me. But hey, i guess that's the world of business.
That thing will be more addictive than the crackberry - and possibly more addictive than actual crack, which i've never had.
anonymous: I knew about Cisco and the name - not my problem! (No stock, remember?)
And, yeah, I bet it does become more addictive than the Blackberry - which is crazy-addictive...
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