The following is an e-mail I received from son # 3. (Used on this blog with his permission.)
From : "son # 3"
Sent : January 8, 2007 5:17:58 PM
To : "Mom"
Subject : What I learn in school
Hey, here’s a video of the stuff I get to learn in biology – even if you don’t understand it, this surprisingly accurate animation looks pretty damn cool... and to think, every cell in your body is doing all the things that this video shows all the time… crazy.
He’s right. I don’t have a clue as to what is actually going on in this video but it is absolutely fascinating — and beautiful. My son is studying science in university. This particular aptitude he inherited from his father. Every other wonderful thing about this boy (and there are plenty) he inherited from me. (I wish.)
Please click on this link — “Cellular Visions: The Inner Life of a Cell.” On my computer, once you then click on the actual video, it takes a few seconds to load. (And I didn’t have to download Flash 8 Player. I didn’t check but obviously my computer already has it or its equivalent. Hope yours does too. Just go for it.)
I’ll bet you watch the entire thing — it takes about a minute. Even the music is beautiful. For those of you who don’t possess a scientific bone in your body (like me) think of this as an opportunity to receive your science lesson for the day, week or year. And do read (or skim) the accompanying article. It explains a lot – far better than I could.
Although this is an animation, according to my son, the “crawling,” “surfing,” “walking” and other actions you observe are accurate renditions — as are the fiber strands breaking apart and coming together.
Isn’t it wonderful when your kids start educating you? Well, I guess they’ve been educating us all along when it comes to parenting — that “course” which requires no prerequisite or training.
Thanks for the link...what a cool video! Loved the music too.
Our bodies are amazing aren't they?
trish - And don't you feel proud of yourself for learning something scientific? I did.
That's the coolest thing I've seen all day.
dj - Well, it's still morning but I bet that will be the coolest thing you see all day.
That's pretty unbelievable. I sucked at science in school. Had they shown videos like these...
Nah, I still wouldn't get it.
bec - I think we would have "got" it had they shown videos like these. It sure would have helped!
That was amazing... the article answered a bunch of questions I was about to pepper you with... It must be even more astonishing for people who can decode more of what is going on. Thanks.
And the article said it lacked drama! It is only the inner workings of life. How dull.
oreneta - As if I could have ever answered your questions! I would have given you my son's e-mail address. Glad you enjoyed it. It was beautiful, wasn't it?
God, my kids school me every single day in this stupid computer...
"Bud! I lost my mouse again! It's not moving!"
"Bud! How do I put something in My Favorites?"
"Bud! what does a picture of a red bomb exploding mean?"
(I secretly love it)
Beth -
Now that is a kid who is going to cure diseases someday! Way cool video!
Mary Ellen -
I wonder if that there creepy crawly stuff is all over our critters and yer food. Do you think that we could catch us some and I dunno use the fer fish bait?
beth - kids have absolutely no fear when it comes to computers. I'm always afraid I'm going to delete something important or wreck the damn thing. Mine have all been excellent computer instructors. Thank God.
baron - As a matter of fact, med school is part of his future plans.
(Your message to Mary Ellen ended up in the wrong place.)
I feel so smart now!!
nomad - Yeah, nice feeling, huh? Easy way to learn (if I only knew exactly what I was looking at.)
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